April Sponsor A Seat Draw
Due to the current circumstances we are the entries for the April draw only involves those that had already paid cash before lockdown and those that pay by BACS. We have decided to split the top prizes to share more evenly whilst the entries are lower. The prize fund is still 50% of the pot. All seat numbers are still reserved and anyone that wishes to continue contributing to the clubs fundraising can still take part by paying by BACS or direct debit to the bank details below. Anyone wishing to take part please contact sponsorship@chichestercityfc.co.uk for more details.
The May draw will be taking place at the end of this month, so there is still time to enter. Taken numbers and spare numbers are shown below.
April results.
1st Seat 112. BCSL. £50
2nd Seat 100. Malcolm Harwood. £50
3rd Seat 24. Robey Goodchild. £50
4th Seat 16. Will Ilsley. £10
5th Seat 53. Tim Pashley
Bank details
Sort Code 40-17-16
Account number 02151111
Please use your name as a reference.